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Pastor Fleece $332,000 From Church Coffers


JACKSON, Miss. |  It took Executive Pastor Riley Brown 27 months as alleged to fleece about $332,000 from Broadmoor Baptist Church, the Madison Church officials disclosed.

The Clarion Ledger obtained from the church that the fictitious “transactions” were found out after an internal policy review in September.

The statement said Brown has been dismissed. The Church vowed to make a report to Mississippi Department of Revenue and Internal Revenue Service.

In the statement emailed to The Clarion Ledger, the Church made known it’s intension not to press charges against Brown but would not hesitate to work with prosecutors if authorities choose to go to court.

"As a body of Christ, we sought to find a proper balance between accountability and grace; and given our changes in personnel and significant new safeguards and internal controls we have added, and will continue to add, we are confident we can responsibly steward the resources entrusted to us," the statement reads.

"While we choose not to press criminal charges against this individual, we will fully cooperate with prosecutors if it is independently pursued."

"These transactions were undertaken by one individual, Riley Brown, circumventing our existing internal policies and procedures," the statement disclosed.

Brown claims to have obtained “Master of Divinity “ from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

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