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Baby Steps and Leaps of Faith

“Baby steps and leaps of faith brought us to where we are today.”

Our story is one of guts and determination to follow our dreams of being free to express ourselves with love of people as a primary concern.

"Don't lose focus – just do it," ...is our mantra.
"It doesn't matter how old you are. If you can breathe and move – you can do it."

We operate under these guiding principles:

Our idea from day one has been to create, produce and serve super great, full-flavored contents that has a beginning, middle, and finish to every story. Everything here is ruled by ethics.

We strive for efficient, uncompromised, sincere, fabulous, caring and exceptional service (as close to perfect as possible).

We want to be a good source of information for everyone. We also want to be considered a good place to stop over on the web. We offer something for everyone, from Breaking News to satisfy your need to be informed to a informative, entertaining and educational contents take home for your need.

We provide a caring, genuine, free-spirited, diverse place to work.

We are excited about building strong relationships with everyone we interact with: our visitors, our community, and our clients.

Community is very important to us, and we are an active part of our community. We are locally on ground and donate to charitable causes, and work with organizations to teach people the importance of being informed.

We communicate lavishly – with our visitors and subscribers.

We want to be a place to learn. to seeing stories for the first time, to discovering what News Blog tastes like, to learning about where our motivation comes from. We strive to be a progressive force behind the axiom of “knowledge is power.”

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